
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Episode 70 - Danny Just Can’t Wait To Be King! (AOS Show)
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
G'day Creepsters!
Danny, Lachie, Smorgs and Hoen are in the house for this one, in fact we are casting after a Sunday sesh of games! We talk Smorgancon 2, some upcoming events and Nick tries to talk about Warcry. We also talk non-hammer podcasts, do a lion king singalong, discuss the politics of international painting competitions and get depressed about how close Cancon is and how much we have to paint!

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Episode 69: The Lord of War (AOS Show)
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
G'day Creepsters, the Dwellers are backity back once again
In this episode Nick, Lachie, Nick G and Danny take us through a comprehensive look at what went down at Lord of War 2019 a few eeks ago.
Naturally we talk a lot of nonsense, then do a deep dive on some of the major elements of the tournament and go through Danny's games.
We try to talk about some other things, but as per usual when Gentile is there we just don’t quite get there, and Danny doesn't particularly help either…
The Dwellers are now on Patreon, to support the show hosting and equipment jump over to https://www.patreon.com/thedwellersbelow
We are also selling dice, dice bags and soon T-shirts as well. All proceeds support the costs of the show and allow us to update our gear and try new things. Check out the merchandise page to get your Dwellers swag.

Monday Jun 17, 2019
Episode 68: BADGAcon & Pre LoW talk (AOS Show)
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
After a month of silence the Eggless Dwellers are back in your ear holes!
We're joined by Danny Paints to discuss all things BADGAcon, an awesome event that we attended last week.
We also have a big discussion about Lord of War which is next week! We're all super excited (and busy) for that, it's going to be a cracker!
We try to talk about some other things, but as per usual when Danny is there we just don’t quite get there…
We are also selling dice, dice bags and soon T-shirts as well. All proceeds support the costs of the show and allow us to update our gear and try new things. Check out the merchandise page to get your Dwellers swag.

Friday May 17, 2019
Episode 67 - Scotch Egg (AOS Show)
Friday May 17, 2019
Friday May 17, 2019
The Dwellers are backity back once again! This time with a somewhat impromptu episode as we are fare welling That Old Egg.
Gentile returns from the wilderness for this one, and brings with him his usual discursive nonsense. Sam and Nick H round out the panel.
We talk a lot of nonsense, discuss The Activation Wars, battling in the realms and what Forbidden Power might bring. Chris presents a contrasting opinion to the rest of us about the new Contrast Paints that GW announced at Warhammer Fest.
We try to talk about some other things, but as per usual when Gentile is there we just don't quite get there...
Hope you enjoy!

Saturday May 04, 2019
Episode 66 - Ten Sweet Fives (AOS Show)
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
The Dwellers are backity back once again! Fresh off a weekend away for Border Wars and with a special guest to boot!
I'ts been a while since we released an episode due to a combination of real life getting in the way and technical difficulties resulting in a lost episode. So this episode is an extra long one coming in at over 3.5 hours!
In this episode we catch up with special guest Danny Carroll and talk all about our hobby for the year so far, and the rest of the year to come. We then go over our games at Border Wars in detail and leave you with some interviews/coverage that was recorded during the first day of the event.
If you've been keeping an eye on our facebook and twitter you'll know that we've started broadcasting episodes live on twitch.tv! This is (and all our future episodes will be) a slightly edited version of the live show, so you have maximum flexibility in how you get your Dwellers fix!
We are also selling dice, dice bags and soon T-shirts as well. All proceeds support the costs of the show and allow us to update our gear and try new things. Head on over to thedwellersbelow.net/merchandise to get your dwellers swag!

Monday Mar 25, 2019
Episode 65: Sweet Saggy Times (AOS Show)
Monday Mar 25, 2019
Monday Mar 25, 2019
The Dwellers are back in your earholes onces again. A shorter episode this week, with a few of the boys on holiday it's just The Egg, Smorgs and The Father of Lies.
We open the episode with a bit of a catch up and discuss the goings on. The Egg and Nick wax lyrical about some Warhammer Historicals (LotR) that they played and Sam gets in depth into some self improvement chat.
The South Australian Grand Tournament (or Saggy T as it will forever be known) is the main topic of conversation this week. Nick and Sam were both in attendance and got to hang out with a whole bunch of other #contentcreators. The boys go over their games, discuss the nightlife and run through the major prize winners on the day.
We also talk a bit about the Lord of War player pack that has recently been released here!
For more SaggyT content check out our brand new YouTube channel with some interviews with various players from the weekend!
That's all for this week folks, seeya next time in the lead up to Border Wars!

Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Episode 64: Taking Ages of Sigmar (AOS Show)
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
It's back to business as usual at Dwellers HQ after the Cancon SuperFriends episode. Because of the timing of Cancon it's been a while since we published a normal episode (that's if you can call anything we release normal!), so this one is extra long!
We open the episode with a bit of a catch up. We go over Gentile's Cancon experience and talk about our upcoming projects for the next 12 months. What was meant to be a short segment goes for ages, because naturally we careen off topic pretty quickly.
After the first break we talk Lord of War, which is now officially sold out, and announce a new sponsor - Artis Opus - who make some amazing paint brushes. They've launched a Kickstarter for their new range of brushes which you can check out here!
The topic of discussion moves to some of our favourite Cancon lists, from the downright rude (Nick and Nick) to the whacky and cool.
In the final segment we discuss the amount of time needed to play Age of Sigmar, and strategies for speeding up gameplay to ensure that games get finished within standard tournament time limits.

Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Episode 63: Cancon Super Show (AOS Show)
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
Wednesday Jan 30, 2019
We are back once again with an extra special of The Dwellers Below! In this episode we are joined by some amazing guests from all corners of the globe. We'd like to thank Rob and Nathan from The Honest Wargamer, Clint and Jesse's mate from The Heralds of War, Dan from AoS Shorts and Shaun from Notorious AoS for joining us!
is in town for Cancon, the equal largest AoS tournament in the world, and our guests include some players, the TO's of the event and the coverage team. We cover off on the Cancon experience from some awesome and unique angles, discussing our games, how coverage played out, evening entertainment and have a great time catching up with people we don't get to see nearly as often as we'd like! There are some great (and unexpected) stories, great insights into tournament organisation and coverage, and plenty of our usual off topic nonsense. Hope you enjoy the show!

Monday Jan 14, 2019
Episode 62: Edit This Clint (AOS Show)
Monday Jan 14, 2019
Monday Jan 14, 2019
After a 6 week hiatus (and a failed episode) the Dwellers are back! That's right, we recorded a few weeks ago and scrapped it because it didn't meet out disturbingly low standards. Believe it or not, even we have limits on how bad an episode can be before we publish it!
Nick, Chris, Sam and Lachie are joined by some special guest talent who are in town for Smorgancon in an attempt to drag up the quality level of the show. We start the episode by catching up with these awesome people and talking smack at Randy and his fake army. Our focus then turns to Lord of War which will be the Dwellers first foray into organizing a full size Age of Sigmar event. We also discuss Border War which is an exciting event in an unexciting place (regional NSW) being hosted by Adam Burt and Travis Cooper from The Heralds of War podcast.
We close by discussing our lists and predictions for Cancon which is looming large on the calendar. Finally there are some out-takes from the lost episode after the close so stick around!
As always; don't fail your strength test!

Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Episode 60: Jesse’s Girls (AOS Show)
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Following their exploits at Bendigo Bush Bash Bonanza the Dwellers Below are back on the radio waves! We've got the full lineup on board this week, even Gentile has found time in his "real life" schedule for once.
As per usual no segment survives contact with Gentile, who drags the cast down his rabbit hole of random topics and interruptions. But would we have it any other way? We discuss Nick, Chris and Lachie's experience at Bendigo Bush Bash Bonanza, and Nick cops some shade for some below standard behavior! Chris discusses his new flame, and Smorgan talks about himself some more.
This episode also debuts a new regular segment: Gossip Mulch-cakey (xoxo), in which a secret person (Lachie) sheds light on some nefarious goings on in the tournament scene that some people might not want published. There are no secrets when the Gossip Mulch-cakey gets involved!
We close the episode by discussing a new tournament; Lord of War which we will be running in 2019. Stay tuned for more details with tickets to go on sale in early 2019.