
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Episode 59: What’s a Battle(plan)? (AOS Show)
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
After a bit of gap the Dwellers are back and joined by a new guest! In this episode we are joined by Lachie Mulch-cakey who adds some much needed Daughter's of Khaine representation to the cast! The usual crew of The Father of Lies, The Egg and Sam Smorgan round out the lineup with Gentile once again too busy with "real life", whatever that is.
The opening segment has us catching up on what has been going on and involved a brief discussion of Sam's exploits in the tournament scene. The Egg reveals the new army he's almost finished painting and The Father of Lies gets a bit sad that he's only painted one model since the last ep! Lachie debuts on the cast by talking about Bolt Action and is swiftly branded "New Brad".
The main segment is meant to be about scenarios/battleplans/missions but thanks to our good friend Adnam's Broadside Chris gets hella ranty and things spiral a bit. But eventually we get to the supposed "core topic" and get in depth with the battleplans in the Generals Handbook!
The episode is rounded out by more gushing about Cancon and the announcement of a new event coming in January. More to come on that front...

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Episode 58: Carpool Karaoke (AOS Show)
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
The Dwellers are shaking it off once again in an extra special episode of the Dwellers Below focusing on some recent events that we've attended. The usual crew of The Father of Lies, That Old Egg, Shorts Shorts Nick and Sam "The #1 DoK player in the Southern Hemisphere" Morgan take us through how things went at the Purple Rainbow Serpent GT, including some more "tournament etiquette" controversy that riles up Gentile.
There is a MAJOR NSFW content warning for the last segment of the episode as we cut to some recordings taken on scene at kakfest 2018. The content isn't Age of Sigmar relevant, more reminiscent of an early days episode of The Black Sun Podcast. The language and content is all over the place, as is the audio quality, but it gives a good indication of some of the goings on. Highlights include a Karaoke filled 4WD trip through the wilderness and some special guest appearances by old friends from The Gronkhammer Podcast, The Watchtower Podcast and The Hobby Forge Podcast.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Episode 57: Honour and Grudges (AOS Show)
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Once again coming in to your ears is another episode of The Dwellers Below! (AOS Show)
In episode 57 we are rejoined by Nick "wounds on a 5+" Gentile who is back from his gardening leave and Dwellers favourite Sam Morgan who once again lends some AoS nous/credibility to the cast.
We start the show off by veering wildly off topic in the opening segment, but somehow manage to drag things back on track (albeit briefly) and spend some time discussing the Blue Dragon GT being hosted by Good Games in Melbourne. We discuss some etiquette around grudge matches in tournaments and in the final segment we discuss the lists we are taking to the weekends event and how we hope our armies will work, not that any of us have played any games with them!
If you're enjoying the show and want to support the Dwellers you can donate to the cause here. Make sure you leave a note on the donation so we can give you a shout-out next time we record!
Hope you enjoy folks! As always don't fail your strength test!

Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Episode 56: The New Ed Ramble (AOS Show)
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Thursday Jul 12, 2018
Looks like it's that time again folks, another well planned, on topic, well produced, shenanigan free and for all intents and purposes flawless episode of The Dwellers Below is ready to start coming into your ears.
In this episode we are joined by Dave'o'War in person who is down from Queensland as well as Sam "Smorgan" Morgan. We start out by discussing the new edition of Age of Sigmar and why it is rustling our jimmies before straying off topic and talking about any number of things. In the latter half of the episode we answer (as best we can) some listener questions, some sensible and some entirely not so. Special shout out to all our awesome listeners (both old and new) who sent through a question for the episode!

Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Episode 55: Don’t call it a comeback (AOS Show)
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
The whole Dwellers crew is backity back for a special reunion episode and possibly the start of something new and exciting!
It's been 3 long years (two and a half really) since we put down the mic's and the minis and left the world in Dwellers limbo. In this episode we catch up on what has been going on during the intervening time and chat a bit about Age of Sigmar and how it is getting our hobby juices flowing. This episode contains a bunch of the usual nonsensical discursive rubbish that you can expect from The Dwellers, so if you aren't going to pass your strength test then best back off now!